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CEO Anthony Lawton brought in Debbie Rix to become Director of Special Projects at Centrepoint to lead on the charity’s 40th anniversary initiative.

Working with a group of trustees and a small team within the charity, Debbie devised and structured a series of events that would raise the profile of the charity, raise money and bring together all those who had been involved with the charity over the years.

The ‘year’ was launched in October 2008 with a reception at HSBC’s private bank – hosted by the charity’s patron HRH Prince William.

In 2009 Centrepoint was invited by Sarah Brown to celebrate their 40th Anniversary at Downing St.  After Sarah welcomed the guests, young people from the charity spoke movingly of how the charity had changed their lives.

Debbie produced a film with Tony Edwards of Third Eye Media to celebrate the first forty years of the charity.  You can view the film here.


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